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Updated: May 20, 2020

Sometimes, without warning, the unexpected shows up you doorstep. The gym was working hard, getting ready for Worlds and The Summit, when cheerleading, and most of our lives, came to a screeching halt.

So, what was required to end weeks of isolation, Insta Pot meals, Lysol baths and virtual everything? Yup, a parade!

All the teams decorated cars and made signs (some more elaborate than others!), and came to the gym parking lot on Saturday afternoon. All the coaches were there, with masks and signs depicting how much they missed their kids. Horns honked, people cheered (no stunting or tumbling, of course!) and "We miss you" and "We love you" was shouted as each vehicle passed by. It was so exciting for all who participated. There were tears of joy, a lot of laughter and some hearts that got a much needed replenishment.

Observing the event, I was reminded why we do this at all. Allstar cheer is more than a sport, it is a way of life. I was particularly sensitive to the graduating seniors, who missed so much in their final year. They so wanted to compete on the World/Summit stage one more time; attend the end of year banquet one more time; and perhaps most important, get the closure that their careers in cheerleading deserve. God Bless our seniors.

We will all look back on the 2019-2020 season and say "Yes, we were part of the quarantine, and yes, it sucked!"


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